Friday, December 28, 2007

Stary Market at Christmas

There is an alternative to modern grocery shopping in Krakow. The Stary Kleparz. The old Market. This is where each vendor has a specialty, butcher, vegetables, candy, fish, clothes, shoes, and this time of year Christmas decorations. My teacher introduced me to this off the beaten path market when I went shopping with her.

I took Katie there and we bought some ornaments -"bombki" for our little Christmas tree. It is an interesting place. Some of the vendors are calling to you to check out their merchandise, as are the ladies that line the sidewalk as you approach the market. They hold out lace tablecloths, flower arrangements, boots trying to get our attention. Keith and I had gone there to buy our Christmas tree. We asked "How much, "ile"? And they responded in Polish. We tried to remember our lesson on numbers, but the lady finally outlined the number 20 on her sleeve with her finger! We paid her, and happily carried our tree away. When we passed her companion she rattled something to us with a big smile! Sure hope it was "Merry Christmas", and not "you paid too much for that tiny tree!"

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