Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Alarming behavior.

We have been out and about on these snowy days. The first snow has barely melted and we have more! But our apartment in nice and warm. And I bought a new coat!, so going out is not as bad. Lately, we have had a rash of alarms surrounding us, one was because I didn't pay attention to a sign and the other two we're still not sure why.

Keith's razor doesn't seem to want to work, his hair is getting shabby, so we are at the store checking out ones to buy and we kept hearing the store alarm go off, a security guard was on our aisle, but didn't tell Keith to stop what he was doing. We weren't sure if it was us or not, until, as we left with our razor, the alarm sounded again when the store clerk went to put the demo back in it's place! We were blushing all the way to the checkout.

Today I met Keith at the American Embassy, which is a very picturesque stone building, with the American flag flying, striking official emblem by the arched iron doors. You know, picture worthy. He has traveled so much that his passport book is full of stamps and in need of more blank pages. These must be sewn in at the embassy. When you go in the agent takes your camera and phone any electrical devices, then puts coats and purses through the scanner, and you walk through the detector, just like the airport security. Anyway, I did see the sign with the symbol for no photographs. On the inside I figured. No, outside the building as well! Having accomplished this task we leave the building and thinking it was a good photo op for this blog I focus my camera back at the entrance, and again heard alarms! This time the security guard did approach me, and for a minute there I thought the camera would be his camera. I must learn Polish, and I was trying to pick up words as he very sternly explained or demanded that what I was doing was not allowed. Yes of course I understood! I think I am fortunate to still have our camera.

And the latest alarm was from our stairwell. Still don't know what triggered it. Just so happened I was expecting someone at our door when it sounded, and he assured me nothing was wrong. He was here to look at our shower. The day before I had a knock at the door. Visitors!? no , it seem our shower has been leaking and the tenant from underneath us is at the door with the doorman. Of course none of us speak the other's language, so they have me follow them to the apartment to see the problem. I called my language teacher Joanna on the phone and she was able to translate for us. Back to the present, after 5 people visiting our bathroom, of which we are not even sure any of them was our neighbor, the gaps have been sealed. Keith's not at all sure that has the leak fixed. We'll see....

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